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Hello and welcome. This is Sam with this week's Inspired Woman, Cindy Smith. Cindy, welcome.
Thank you, Sam. This is fun. It's so odd because for those of you who don't know, Cindy and I have our own podcast and this is a little bit of a change up because this week I'm featuring Cindy and it's usually us featuring other people, right? It is.
So, yes, this is fun. So, Cindy, you know, and our listeners will now know and probably do know already, you have been one of the women that has inspired me on my journey and you introduced me to angels and we have since then, I did my angel empowerment practitioner training with you, became an angel empowerment healer, and now we actually teach together. I mean, it's really been quite the journey and a full cycle, hey? It has been a full cycle for sure, for the two of us, yes.
I know. So, talking about cycles and reciprocity, I would love to know, Cindy, what inspires you? Well, you know, automatically people would say, you know, I would say my angel team inspires me personally and then I ask myself what inspires me as an angel empowerment practitioner or the teacher that I am and the inspirational speaker, all of that that you think inspiration, what inspires me is people and the feedback and the change and the witness of change when I'm either doing one-on-one sessions or teaching a class or we have one of our big events. I'm inspired by people, you know, and that's what keeps me going.
If I could, yeah, I could sit and be inspired by my angel team and channel messages for myself, but really what inspires me is being witness to other people's journey and when I started doing this, believe it now, it's 2008 when I started my business, Sam, in the angel empowerment world and I, you know, was asked by a business coach, what would you like your tagline to be? And I went, what? What do you mean my tagline? Well, what would be to sum it up for Cindy Smith Angel Empowerment? And I went, oh, well, it's witnessing people going from I can't to I can and because in the beginning, a lot of people, well, still, this isn't like it's changed, but when whether somebody takes a webinar or a two-day workshop or our angel empowerment healing program, it's that very beginning, if they're starting out, can I do this? Am I able to do this? And I think that's to me is where the inspiration comes in. So what inspires me is the people that I work with, the students and the clients, that keeps me going. Does that make sense, Sam? Oh, it totally makes sense, you know, and it's all about change and, you know, and we often feel, I mean, you know, and one of the things that when you were speaking there, one of the things that came to me was I remember thinking that to connect with your angel team, you have to be something special.
You know, I can't do that. I'm not special. I'm not gifted.
And I love that you teach people that we can all do that, right? Absolutely. You know, would you like to expand on that a little bit for our listeners? Well, you know, that's over the years when people say, oh, yeah, that Cindy Smith, she's really gifted because, you know, she can channel the angels. Well, I believe everybody can.
And, you know, that's where the inspiration comes in, because all we need is a few tools to understand that we do it all the time, because I believe our intuition is connected to our angel team. And I believe we all have intuition. So that's where it comes into play as this is simple.
Yes, it takes some practice, because all it is, is bringing more of a conscious awareness of how we communicate with ourself, which I believe is our angel team, too. So that's where the basics of move from I can't to I can is watching people be inspired by the aha moments. Oh, my gosh.
You mean that was the angels guiding me on that? Yes, that was your angels. That was your team. That was your intuition.
And you listened, whether it was following through on a picture that you saw or a vision or a knowing. It's really teaching people those intuitive senses that we use that I take for granted now, I honestly, because it's just part of who I am. And but that's the great thing about what I do on a day to day basis is because I can, I take it for granted, because I use my intuitive senses all the time.
But I always have to have my senses sharp if I'm going to teach. And so I'm always, I guess, walking my talk. So, Sam, here's what here's, I asked Michael today, because I knew we were going to do this recording.
And I said to Michael, well, how how do I inspire other people? I know how I can inspire myself. But so I said to Michael, how do I inspire other people? That's a really good question. And he goes, by doing what you just did.
And I went, what? And he goes, you inspire other people because you ask us. And I went, Oh, that's that's me walking my talk. And people know that I I'm asking all the time, like I asked for the little things, the big things.
And he says, so how you inspire people is by asking us and showing people how easy it is. And I went, Oh, Sam, there's your answer into how I inspire other people from Archangel Michael. I love it.
I was going to say, so just for our listeners, Michael is Archangel Michael. Oh, yes. Thank you for doing that.
Because, yes, I refer to Michael and people will say, who is she talking to? But I thought that was, you know, that was very interesting and how he brought that awareness to me. That's how I inspire other people, whether I do it consciously or not, is because people know that, you know, what I teach, I practice. And I'm human like everybody else.
Things can go sideways once in a while in my world. But really, I'm asking I'm I'm following my intuition. I'm using my senses.
It would be odd if I wasn't. And so that's just my norm. And I guess in the way Michael puts it is that's how you inspire the people around you, because you follow your you walk your dog.
So. Yeah. And I remember in one of my first classes with you, I remember you saying, don't ever put me upon a pedestal.
I am no different to you. And I thought, I like this lady. Well, you know, and that's a. You know, sometimes I forget to say that, you know, Sam, until something happens.
So to our list, to your listeners, I was going to say to your listeners. What I mean by that is I I learned very quickly teaching classes and empowering other people that if somebody went, oh, my gosh, there's the almighty great Cindy Smith, or they put me on some sort of pedestal that I'm because I'm tapped into the angels, I'm better in some way, which I would like to think my ego isn't like that. And I, you know, stop from projecting that out to the world.
But if somebody does that puts me on the pedestal, I have no ability to stop it from happening. But what I do say to students is stop doing it, because if you put me on a pedestal, on an unconscious level, you're going to be looking for ways to discredit me. You're going to be looking for ways that you think would bring bringing me back to the level where you're at, you know, walk in your talk.
And I've had it happen. And it's, it's, it's ugly. I don't know how else to say it, where a student starts to look for things wrong or challenges me or, and I'm like, Michael, what's going on? Ah, she put you on the pedestal.
Oh, thanks. And then I can deal with it. Because, yeah, I am no different than anyone else.
I do like to think 90% of the time I want my talk, but I'm here. Also learning lessons and I can falter along the way. Just like everybody else.
But yes, thanks for bringing that up, Sam, because I forget to remind students about that, because I really am, I believe I'm no different than anyone else. It's just that it's like, going to university to be a counselor, I got the tools to be a counselor. Now I have the tools to work with the angels to do angel card readings and work with Raphael to do Angel Empowerment Healing.
We teach tools and our tools inspire other people. And that's the basis of everything we do. Absolutely.
And it's interesting because one of my previous guests, she was saying, you know, when I asked her, how do you inspire others? She went, oh my goodness, I'm so flattered because that's a really good question. But that means that I do inspire other people, you know, and we, we continued our conversation. We were talking about looking for inspiration in all the little things, you know, and, and, and just listening to you speaking there, you know, very often we want to see somebody on a stage and on the big screen or writing this wonderful book.
And that is sort of inspirational where in actual fact, it's just the little things that are around us. And that's I'm wanting to bring the awareness to our listeners is that inspiration is everywhere, you know, even the little tiny things, even, you know, just daily little things. And I think that, you know, really you've, you've, you've captured that for us.
So thank you. Thank you for that. So I know that you, because she corrects me all the time, a bit of a language freak.
Oh yeah. Did you hear that? She just called me a language freak. Yes.
I am a little bit aware of how language can affect our unconscious mind. Yes. And I'm still practicing.
I know, where is she going? Where is she going? It's my turn. Yeah. But I know that you have brought my attention to the way that I speak, not only to others, but speaking to myself.
And I'm not talking about minding your Ps and Qs and being polite. It's the way that you structure your language. And I would love for you to share that with our listeners, because I think it's a great starting point for anybody.
Well, there's a few, you know, I believe in the power of thought, you know, and, and, and we always send love and light out to Louise Hay because she really introduced, I mean, there was people before her, but the power of thought, you know, my training in NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming, that's where you really highlight the, the thoughts that we have. So yes, language is important, but the key inspiration, because this is, this is that inspirational piece for ourselves. Our inspiration for selves is how we talk to ourselves.
And I'm, I'm big on awareness. Oh my gosh, when I say to myself, oh, Cindy, I can't believe you just did that. And then I go, what, you know, that's here, because even by going, oh, I can't believe you did that.
That little bit is I am, it's almost like punishing myself for being human. And so, oh, now I'm going to even choking on that one. I didn't even bring water beside me.
Anyways, we're talking throat chakra, throat chakra here. When, when we say negative things to ourselves, we're actually in some sort of way, definitely stopping the inspiration for self and being aware of how you talk to yourself is the power of thought. Because yes, we can say affirmations, we can put it out to the universe, but it really has to begin with what are you thinking about self and how, you know, to your listeners, I'd like to just get you to think about this right now.
How do you inspire yourself through your own thoughts? How do you talk to yourself? And as soon as I say negative, that means I'm punishing me. I always know that there's got to be a connotation to it, a context that some way I'm punishing myself if I have a negative thought. And then what I do automatically, because I've, I've basically trained my conscious mind to become aware, I cancel clear delete.
So I just say that, cancel, clear, delete, just like we would do on the computer. We cancel, clear, delete the negative thoughts that we have for ourself so that we can rewrite them. Type it out again in your mind.
How would it be better to say, Oh yeah, I just messed up. I'm learning from that. And I love myself for who I am.
Even if I do something that I wish I hadn't done, you know, you can just change it around and just love yourself for who you are, mistakes and all, instead of, you know, now let's talk about the don'ts. The don'ts and the can'ts. That's where I was going with this because the tagline, I can't, I cannot, as soon as somebody says, I can't do this, it's negative self-talk.
So you're moving people into, I can. So yeah. Okay.
So let go on. Go, go, go, go. I know where you're going.
The study with the unconscious mind, I believe in three minds, our conscious mind, our unconscious, some people would say subconscious and our higher self. The unconscious mind is unable to process the word not. Basically every time you say not, which is don't or cannot, it over, it skips it.
So when you say I can't, you're actually saying I can, because it gets rid of the not. So your unconscious mind says, oh, you could do that. So when I have the tagline, I can't to I can, everybody understands that what is, but the real hidden message is there.
You can, you can, you can, because the not, there's no process for it. So I can't to I can. The tagline is actually, have you ever thought of that, Sam? I haven't thought of that.
And you know, another thing I haven't thought about is, you know, my story about my mom. One of the things that she always used to say is there's no such word as can't. Yeah.
I'm thinking to myself, oh my God, my mother was right. Yes. You got to give her some credit there, Sam.
And you know, because the not word don't is a very, very, very, very common word. And when I think back when I first did NLP in, in 2000, and my kids were four and two, then I realized how many times a day I was saying don't. And because I'd say, don't do that.
Don't pick up that. Don't touch that. You know, think as a parent, how many times we say don't.
And what I was telling their beautiful little unconscious mind was do it. And I did a lot of experimenting with my kids to see how it worked. And trust me, the not is deleted, it isn't there at all.
So I said is not there. But, you know, we and advertising companies, they can use it. Okay, they can use the do not to actually create the do.
Clever. Oh, yeah, that's part of NLP. One of my and I know they've changed it.
But for years, because my old me was the old world I worked in was drug and alcohol counseling. And the the tag for drunk driving was do not drink and drive. And so really, what they were telling everybody was do drink and drive used to drive me crazy.
Every time I saw that advertisement, do not drink and drive. Yep. Oh, they've changed it up.
Stop from drinking and driving. So for your listeners, if you want to be inspired, and inspire yourself and inspire other people. If you catch yourself saying don't or do not switch it to stop.
And your unconscious mind gets it. Stop doing this versus don't do this. Because the unconscious mind automatically hears stop.
And that's how you can inspire your kids, people around you talk with the stop language versus the do not language. And then there's another little thing that you've mentioned there was ego. And this was another reason why I, I, I chose to study under you, you, you were my teacher.
And but there's a lot of lot of people out there that think ego is something really bad. You know? Yeah, okay. So ego is part of our conscious mind.
And that's a key, our conscious mind is a key because it works with it's a filter system. It has the ability to filter our environment, what is important to us, how we create our beliefs, our values, what we see around us, we need our ego, we need our conscious mind. And when people say, my ego gets in my way.
Well, yes, but learn to communicate in a way to stop your ego blocking you, because you need your ego. So I, and this is one of the things that I always teach to students is I say, when people say, my ego, I just can't do this. And my ego says, you know, it says that I can't do it right that I I'm unable to do this.
And there's no way I'm going to be able to give a card reading to somebody else. And then I say, Okay, well, this is the best way to allow your ego to step aside is by saying, I love you ego. But I please ask you to be quiet right now.
And it works. I've seen it witnessed it over and over and over, where people are just telling themselves, Hey, I love myself, I love my ego. Right now, I need it to step aside.
So I can channel the message of the angel to my client. Love it. Love our ego, love our ego.
Well, and for me, in my nursing, I obviously learned that ego is something that's so important. It's the thing that keeps you safe. Right? It's, you know, and also, it's our human, you know, we are human beings, we are in life form.
And talking about life form, would you like to go there for our listeners? And what do you mean? Okay, so so I, I believe my belief system now is that I'm living this life to learn lessons. And this was something that was actually brought up with me only yesterday or the day before just in a casual conversation. But we're in this life to learn lessons, and accepting that we're going to make mistakes, and recognizing those life lessons.
And, and then it was the context was in in the afterworld is the life after death, you know, and, and that is something that was one of my biggest questions. And I know that you helped me to understand the meaning of life. I know that sounds huge, doesn't it? It does sound huge.
It does really sound huge, but that I am in this life form, and I've chosen the experiences that I'm experiencing. And so that I can learn from them. And I think that's a huge message for anybody that's listening here.
I remember saying, you know, what? Are you kidding me? I chose to be in this life and learn these lessons with my mother? Are you kidding me? But when I started to learn your belief system, and started to play with it with, for instance, for me, myself, I realized, oh, my goodness, it wasn't about forgiving, it was learning. And my mom is this beautiful being that came into my life, because I wanted her to be there so that she could teach me, and I could learn my lessons. And that to me was my forgiveness.
You know, so yeah, I believe that's, that's huge. That's a huge concept. So, you know, I'm, I'm, yeah, you just opened up a whole new topic, I could talk about all kinds of different things, Sam.
But here's being at cause, I refer to it, and being at cause for ourselves is, if we can take the lessons, and allow ourselves to walk with them in an understanding with that conscious mind, and keep in the now and allowing ourselves to heal from our past, then we are being at cause, we're inspiring ourselves to do that. So I'll just give you an example. If you, if you, how, how do I say this? So if you brought up all the time, if you always talked about your mom, and went into victim mode, yes, and my life is isn't good, because of how my mom raised me, then we wouldn't be able to do what we do.
But because you have journeyed and understand that you did chose your mother and your father, when you your soul, that's my belief. And all of the things good or bad that you experienced growing up makes you who you are today. And instead of being in the victim mode, you've stepped into the role to inspire other people on their journey, especially when you created, you know, the inspiration for people that had difficult child mother relationships, and you've inspired people to heal and move through that.
If you were always in the victim mode, you wouldn't be inspiring anybody, you would be assisting them to stay in the victim mode. So for me, Sam, that's how you inspire people. Because, yeah, your upbringing with your mother wasn't the best, but there was lots of things that made you who you are today.
And so I believe, even though my, there was great things about my childhood, but when you're raised in an alcoholic home, and there's dysfunction, my mom sometimes would say, I wish I'd done something sooner. And I say, Mom, look at all of the four of us, there's four children. And look at our strengths.
Like really focus on who we became as adults. Yes, we have our ups and downs. But really, we chose to come in and have you and dad as our parents, and we are strong for who we are.
So there's no victim mode. Does that make you know, we're getting into a hole. So if if somebody has a hard, difficult time moving through being stuck in the past, that's why I love working with the angels, because there's so many tools, we can help them in their healing journey to inspire them to get into the now.
Because being always pulled in the past, that is that blocks us that stops us. And so to me, that's why you're inspiring Sam, because you you allowed yourself to take your upbringing and show people you can heal and move through it. And these are my strengths.
And this is what inspires me. And then you get to inspire other women or other men that have maybe difficult relationships with their mother. So we take our journey.
So can we have mistakes, this is what the angels say. There is no mistakes, they if they had their way, they take the mistake language right out of the vocabulary. Because we have a context to a mistake, we did something wrong.
And in the angels world, in the divine world, they say, this is a lesson. How are you going to learn from it? What can you do differently in the future? Otherwise, you get on that, you know, that treadmill that just keeps running the same thing over and over. So please stop, you know, if you want to be inspired, get inspired, get out of the mistake.
That's the same thing. When I say the power of thought to myself, if I go, Oh, my gosh, Cindy, I can't believe you said that. Because sometimes I'm very good at saying what I think.
And once in a while, I can see that when I say it, people may go, what? And then I go, Cindy, I can't believe you said that. And so when I do that, that is allowing my ego to step in and say, oh, you made a mistake, you did that wrong. Versus saying, okay, Cindy, how could have you said that differently? And what is your lesson from it? And as soon as you say, what is your lesson, it completely takes away the punishment.
Does that make sense?
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